Thursday, January 8, 2009

This is going to sound like a complaint but truly it isn't; I will re word it a few times to try and make it sound less whiny.

  • It is getting hard, sitting alone typing lines and waiting for Mistress.
  • It is hard for me to stay focused when I am waiting for Mistress at the odd times that I log in these days.
  • It is hard for me to even stay awake, let alone stay focused, while I am waiting for Mistress and typing lines.

Maybe it isn't so much staying alert and awake that I should work on; maybe it is having to type all these lines in the first place. I'm am very nearly done with them either way.

It looks like Desire has turned out to be a scaredy-cat; she hasn't been online for a week or so and hasn't IM'd or sent a note from mom or anything. Subway has been on more recently but I haven't heard from him, although he has been sick. What a sad thing to be sick over the holidays.

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