Friday, July 4, 2008

The gackty one got hackt!

So there I was, just settin' on a bench, reading profiles and watching the parade go by when my mouse pointer suddenly just went haywire. Somehow I immediately knew that someone was in my computer and as I was moving my mouse to close SL, I saw the payment thing pop up - the window that you use to pay someone. This person was in my account and about to pay himself all of my Lindens. Ack! And I usually keep a rather high balance. ACK!

So I closed SL and even with it closed, this person was still controlling my mouse. It was still darting all over my screen so I turned off my computer and unplugged my wireless. What an odd feeling that is. Nothing seems to have been stolen but just to be safe I changed all my passwords and downloaded some more security software.

We now return to our regularly scheduled blog entry...

Isn't this backwards? I overheard this last night:

[0:48] Saberrah Lykin sighs: this sucks...I never know what to do when my Owner isn't around!

I've written and re-written about this comment and everything I've come up is just so negative. I guess I'll just leave it there, unburdened by my comments and judgements. It would be interesting to see some comments about this though. Am I wrong? Is this healthy? It seems very un.

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