Saturday, September 6, 2008

I have to find something better to blog about than Scramble!

Ok, a promise to myself. I will ONLY blog about Scramble if it is momentous somehow, like this:

[17:59] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: NHIPASIR - a thin metal U-shaped pin which is used to hold part of the hair in the desired position
[17:59] You: hairpins
[17:59] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: Congratulations Emilee Gackt, you have won this round in 7 seconds.
[17:59] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: The word was 'hairpins'.

She breaks her own record and the crowd goes wild!

So... what to do?

Mistress said that she remembers something about having a rule against me accepting gifts; she probably read my loophole craving mind. So I have been taking all of the notecards of the conversations between Mistress and me and pasting them into Word so I can search them. My goodness this is boring!

The benefit will be that when Mistress needs to know if something is or isn't a rule, I can search for it and remove all doubt. The un-benefit will be that it is of course a double edged sword. I might be proved wrong as often as I am right.

I've finished August and found nothing about gifts being banned. There were a few mentions of gifts - groups gifts, a gift from Mistress, etc., but not the conversation Mistress referred to.

Ok, back to the boredom!

Nothing in July either. It looks like the loophole stands! Woohoo! The gackt scores again! Of course the other problem with putting these notes into word is that Mistress is likely to realize that it isn't a bad idea and that I should do that all the time now. Shhh! I have plenty to do already!

This one was just dumb:

[18:46] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: ASLESMI - to intend:

[18:46] You: amiless

[18:46] You: aimless

[18:46] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: Congratulations Emilee Gackt, you have won this round in 34 seconds.

[18:46] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: The word was 'aimless'.

Why does Blogger feel like it gets to decide how I should have my lines spaced? Ugh! anyway, 'aimless' does NOT mean to intend. It's just the opposite!

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