Friday, August 1, 2008

Kind of a milestone for me

I hadn't seen Mistress for a few days and when I saw her to day she gave me this stern look. The kind that just melt me into a puddle. She grabbed my collar and forced my eyes to hers and told me that I had been...

Ready for this?

... good.

It is almost funny how my heart was just pounding in RL. I had been trying so hard and finally (!) I made it. No essays, no lines, nothing. Just a fun time with her.

Just after this she got an IMs from a man in England asking her to control his 'wanking and orgasms.' She gets this kind of thing so often and it is amazing to me how patient she is, even when people consistently turn out to be just looking for a quick thrill. He will just have to find another way to control himself.

Usually when someone like this approashes Mistress, she shares her conversation with me and asks my feelings about the person. Is it an alt, is this person serious about this, etc. She and I have the same conclusions most of the time now but she generally has a much bigger picture of it all than I do. Still, I feel validated somehow when I have the same conclusions that she does. It's like getting an answer right in class.

Gotta scoot! Fridays are usually 'out' nights for me so I am going 'out.'

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