Thursday, August 7, 2008

Bloggin' at the airport, again

This will be a semi regular thing for the next few weeks. I am in Seattle next week and in Louisville and either NYC or Houston next month. NYC would be WAY better than Houston. WAY better.

I had this idea that I would keep the blog open while I am in SL - oh my goodness the music in this airport is awful! - so I can type in a few notes about what I want to blog about. Great idea as long as the Internet doesn't crash like it did last night.

I just remembered what I had started last night but never finished. Mistress gives me advice and reminders sometimes. Usually she is being thoughtful and kind. Last night she told me about a lesson that can be taken from chess. You know, chess? The game? She said that in chess you need to plan your moves 5 or 6 turns ahead.
  1. That's why I hate playing chess.
  2. You might have to change your plan every turn.
  3. If she gives me that kind of advice, it is likely that she has something in mind where that advice will be very much needed.
  4. I hope I can put 2 and 2 together when that time comes.

Here is some easy math: Jaan = the best SL friend that a gackt could ask for.

1 comment:

Jaan Dubrovna said...

I like your equation. Hey, heres some math for you--

If Emilee + Jan = best friends, then
Jan + Emilee = best friends too.

I have been a busy girl this week Emilee, I can't wait to talk.