Thursday, May 7, 2009

Some irony

One of the things that i try to tell my Filipino tech support agents is to use fewer words when they talk to Americans. There is already a language barrier and when they try to use big words or construct complex sentences, it just makes things worse and the impatient Americans become impatienter.

Mistress summed things us today with this list of reminders:

1. Effort
2. Optimism
3. Probation
4. NO unnecessary words
5. tests

i almost always realize that i have questions just a few seconds too late. Just after a food server takes my menu away or just after someone from the phone company hangs up. Or like today, just AFTER Mistress logged off i realized that this instruction counters something else She has told me to do. Does this supersede that? Is this a temporary thing or is this to be ongoing?

i will switch off my verbosity until i am told otherwise.

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