This girl was running around naked. That's it. Just around and around the same place, over and over. I snapped a pic of her when she stopped for a breath. Apparently in order to have the privilege of an audience with her, one first needs a formal introduction:
[12:52] Emilee Gackt: Running around naked again I see.
[12:52] Sayaka Landar: do i know you?
[12:52] Emilee Gackt: No.
[12:52] Emilee Gackt: You just went streaking past.
[12:53] Emilee Gackt: CTRL-R will turn off running and let you walk again.
So run around naked then, see if I care.
On to the next encounter...
[13:52] Tristen Breen: hi
[13:52] Emilee Gackt: Hi
[13:53] Tristen Breen: so where u from
[13:53] Emilee Gackt: Around
[13:53] Emilee Gackt: You?
[13:53] Tristen Breen: florida
[13:53] Emilee Gackt: I know some people there.
[13:53] Tristen Breen: o yeah. cool
[13:54] Emilee Gackt: Are you really that new to SL or is that just a new account for you?[13:54] Tristen Breen: no i'm really that new
[13:55] Emilee Gackt: Really? You've gotten things figured out very quickly haven't you?
He had prim hair, new clothes and a pretty good AO. That's a LOT of help.
[13:55] Tristen Breen: tryin to. i had a girl teachin me sum stuff yesterday
[13:56] Emilee Gackt: Apparently she didn't finish the grammar and spelling lesson did she?
[13:56] Tristen Breen: wut do u mean
[13:56] Emilee Gackt: You're joking right?
[13:57] Tristen Breen: um. yeah i guess
[13:57] Tristen Breen: i'm just spelling lke i text
Ok Tristen, now define the word 'Irony. Irony. As in when something has another meaning that's usually funny.'
My ticket to riches in SL, $1L at a time:
[14:21] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: ROPTIEFNRGIE - resulting in or likely to result in a profit or an advantage:
[14:21] You: profiteering
[14:21] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: Congratulations Emilee Gackt, you have won this round in 19 seconds.
[14:21] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: The word was 'profiteering'.
[14:23] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: IOYEMTELV - causing strong feelings:
[14:23] You: emotively
[14:23] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: Congratulations Emilee Gackt, you have won this round in 17 seconds.
[14:23] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: The word was 'emotively'.
[14:25] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: TTBEXSUS - a hidden or less obvious meaning:
[14:25] You: subtexts
[14:25] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: Congratulations Emilee Gackt, you have won this round in 17 seconds.
[14:25] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: The word was 'subtexts'.
The odd thing is that the game was going when I walked in, which might mean that Tristen Breen might have actually started it, which seems a bit out of character for him.
Between raking in a wad of cash ($13L!!) and 'helping' a so-called newbie, I actually spent some time working on projects.
Like my dots? Blogger won't let ME decide where to put line breaks and is trying to do it for me. We can't let the machines win!
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