Wednesday, September 3, 2008

$64L later...

[22:36] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: DOGSNEI - a type of wild dog found in Australia
[22:36] You: Dingoes
[22:36] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: Congratulations Emilee Gackt, you have won this round in 11 seconds.
[22:36] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: The word was 'dingoes'.

Woot! A new record!

I got this word? Seriously?

[22:38] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: AERDGNSE - an important person, especially in a particular job or area of public life
[22:38] You: grandees
[22:38] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: Congratulations Emilee Gackt, you have won this round in 46 seconds.
[22:38] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: The word was 'grandees'.

[23:30] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: NCHACY - a possibility that something negative will happen; a risk:
[23:31] You: chancy
[23:31] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: Congratulations Emilee Gackt, you have won this round in 8 seconds.
[23:31] Hell Bop Bar Scramble Game: The word was 'chancy'.

Ok I am officially hot at this game. 8 seconds is untouchable by anyone, anywhere.

I've made $64L so far and had fun doing it but it's odd how my perspective has changed. I went from spending hundreds of Lindens everyday to having none, and then having them be so closely monitored. It is interesting how scarcity changes your outlook on things. A month ago I'd have looked at $64L as almost nothing and now it's an accomplishment that I earned that many in a day.

Weird, huh?

I had a fun night tonight. Jan cam and hung out in the seedy bar where this Scramble game is and we met a really new newbie. He had butterfly wings and he honestly seemed to like them. Jan and I cured him of that as quickly as we could, which still wasn't quick enough.

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