Wednesday, October 21, 2009


i just watched an old episode of Friends (which is good to point out because ALL episodes of Friends are old ones) where Chandler and Monica decided to move in together and Rachel wasn't all that disappointed because she was sure that it would never happen. Monica assured her that it was going to happen.

Kind of the same things happened with me today with Mistress. She assured me that yes, the dancer job IS going to happen. i didn't really believe that until i read what She had to say today.

The conundrum goes on. How can i please Her as a dancer when... how can i become good at something when i feel so utterly, totally, completely unprepared and unqualified for it? i guess i'll find out when i find out.


Jaan Dubrovna said...

I MISS you. I sure would love to spend some time with you. Sigh. Can you give me an idea of when you are usually online? Jan

Ally said...

I L O V E Friends! Watched the same episode, at first I found it kind of strange that Monica and Chandler are a couple now, but you get used to it, don´t you?

I think Joey´s the best! :D :D

Unknown said...

This episode is very fine.
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