[00:56] PRIM COUNTER NEW- Multi Tenants 8: Emilee Gackt you have : 499 prims left to use
[00:56] PRIM COUNTER NEW- Multi Tenants 8: Emilee Gackt you have : 153 prims left to use
Maybe I should just take an average. I did get some good news though - Mistress showed me how to see how many prims are in an object. Go to Edit > General tab and look about 6 lines down and it lists the prims. Now all I have to do is go through those simple steps for everything in the house and add it all up!
Ok, time for my daily crash report. Three times today if I remember correctly and then about 7 just now. Really bad ones too, where I had to reboot. Twice.

Just *poof* and SL was just gone.
Then Blogger crashed. Maybe it's my 'puter.
I may have finished the photo project. But then again I might not have... It is of course pending Mistress' approval.
I saw a group today called The Dunder Mifflin Paper Company. The show is hilarious (to me at least; it is nearly the only thing on TV that I ever watch) and now there is a Dunder Mifflin group in SL. The gackty connection? The company I work for does exactly what Dunder Mifflin does. We sell paper and office supplies and get all worked up when we ship an order of paper by the truckload. Woot.
Mistress asked me to do some research on radar and/or security systems for the house. I am starting from scratch on this one so if you do a fly-by, you might see an electrified barbed-wire fence around the place. Unless I can find something more subtle.
I got some more time with Jaan tonight. She goes on and on in her blog about this MLE person. MLE sounds nice and all but the real treasure is Jaan. She told me that she is learing to make clothes in SL (she has already done more in her few weeks here than I have in my 18 or so MONTHS here). She is really starting to make me look bad. If she's not careful she might have an 'accident.' 'Gosh Jaan, I am so sorry that you fell down those stairs next week.'
On the bright side, she announced that she is now my personal designer. Could anyone ask for a better friend? *whispers* No. That's as good as they get.
Mistress keeps pushing me to speak from my heart. It sounds so simple and sometimes it actually is but mostly it is a challenge for me. In my odd, tangled past I learned to close things and internalize things and now I need to open them and let things out. I am trying.
Oh and by the way the world will end in 2012.
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